雄大な自然と独自の文化が世界中の旅人を魅了してやまない北海道。その中でもとりわけNEPENTHESと関わりの深い2つのエリアから、自信を持っておすすめしたい厳選スポットをご紹介。まずは〈SOUTH2 WEST8〉の旗艦店がある札幌と、その隣に位置する北広島編。
Hokkaido has been fascinating tourists from across the globe with the magnificent nature and unique culture. Here is the list of restaurants and shops we carefully selected from our favorites located in two of the regions in Hokkaido. NEPENTHES is familiar with both of the regions, but let us start from the one including Sapporo, where the SOUTH2 WEST8 flagship shop is, and neighboring Kita-hiroshima.
Photography : Akira Yamada (south2 west8 sapporo store),
Arata Suzuki(others) Text : Daisuke Inoue