South2 West8 Sapporo
Aji No Sanpei
コロンボCurry House COLOMBO
Fresh Air
Fresh Air
Donguri /
Yamahana Branch
Butahage / Sapporo
Kita-Hiroshima Branch
Sapporo Okurayama
Ski Jump Stadium
South2 West8 Sapporo
8-2-1 Minami 2-Jo Nishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo
TEL 011-280-7577
8-2-1 Minami 2-Jo Nishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo
TEL 011-280-7577
札幌でまず訪れてほしいのは、やはりココ。ブランド名の由来にもなった「南2条西8丁目」に所在する〈SOUTH2 WEST8〉のフラッグシップストア。広々とした店内では、世界一の品揃えを誇る〈SOUTH2 WEST8〉をメインに、NEPENTHESが手がける〈NEEDLES〉〈ENGINEERED GARMENTS〉の最新アイテムや、この店だけのスペシャルなプロダクトなどを数多く取り扱う。フィッシングウェアやギア類は、店内奥に設けられたインショップで展開。ゆっくりとした時間が流れる和の空間の中で、〈SOUTH2 WEST8〉のオリジナルプロダクトやNEPENTHESチームが愛用する釣り具をじっくり吟味しながら選ぶことができる。また、現在では入手困難なエゾ鹿やシロクマの剥製、個性豊かなドライプランツ、ヴィンテージのフレームパックなど、店内に飾られている圧巻のコレクションも一見の価値あり。〈SOUTH2 WEST8〉の世界観が好きな人なら、きっと眺めるだけでワクワクが止まらないこと請け合いだ。
Where else to go first in Sapporo? SOUTH2 WEST8’s flagship shop is situated in ‘South2 West8’ as the name suggests. Along with the world’s largest selection of SOUTH2 WEST8 products, the shop carries the latest items from other NEPENTHES brands, NEEDLES and ENGINEERED GARMENTS, as well as some exclusive goods in the spacious premises. There is also an in-store section at the back to showcase fishing clothes and tools. Take your time to look at SOUTH2 WEST8’s fishing products as well as favorite angling tools of the NEPENTHES team at the Japanese-style area in a relaxing atmosphere. Their stunning collections of now-hardly-seen mounted Yezo sika deer and polar bears, unique epiphyte plants and vintage frame packs are also worth viewing. If you love the SOUTH2 WEST8 aesthetics, the collections surely make you excited.
Aji No Sanpei
札幌市中央区南1条西3丁目2大丸藤井 セントラル4F
4th Fl. Daimaru Fujii Central Bldg. 3-2 Minami 1-Jo Nishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo
TEL 011-231-0377
4th Fl. Daimaru Fujii Central Bldg. 3-2 Minami 1-Jo Nishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo
TEL 011-231-0377
〈SOUTH2 WEST8〉のディレクター・三浦健人が20年近く通い続ける老舗ラーメン店。札幌のご当地グルメである味噌ラーメン発祥の店として知られており、文具店のビルの4階という珍しいロケーションにありながら、連日多くの観光客や道産子たちが開店前から行列をつくる。看板メニューの味噌ラーメンは、新潟産の白味噌をベースにしたまろやかなスープに、モチモチの中太ちぢれ麺とサッと炒めて甘みを引き出した野菜がからむ、正統派にしてオンリーワンの旨さ。さらにセットでおすすめしたいのが、サイドメニューの手作りシューマイ。ほどよい酸味の特製ソースをかけて一気に頬張れば、洋食っぽさも感じる肉肉しい味わいに思わず顔がほころぶ。
SOUTH2 WEST8 director Kento Miura has frequented this established ramen restaurant for about 20 years. Sanpei is known as the place where Sapporo ramen, one of Hokkaido’s local delicacies, was first served. There are thus always many tourists and locals waiting in line even before the opening, although the location is not quite ordinary, the 4th floor of a stationery store building. Their signature Miso ramen tastes classic yet original with the mild Niigata-made Shiro Miso soup clinging to the chewy mid-thick noodle and the stir-fried veggie topping. Their handmade steamed dumpling is another must-try dish. Dip it into their special sour sauce and have it in one bite to enjoy the meaty flavor at the fullest.
Curry House COLOMBO
1st Basement Fl. Sapporo Kokusai Bldg. 4 Kita 4-Jo Nishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo
TEL 011-221-2028
1st Basement Fl. Sapporo Kokusai Bldg. 4 Kita 4-Jo Nishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo
TEL 011-221-2028
Curry House COLOMBO is connected directly to the Sapporo station and will mark its 50th anniversary in November, 2023. Among over 10 curry dishes they serve, the NEPENTHES team loves their huge Stamina Cutlet Curry most. Their soupy curry tastes adequately spicy yet familiar like homemade curry, and perfectly matches a crispy pork cutlet deep fried in pure lard. There are various services available at the restaurant such as a curry refill and an after-meal ice cream. You may realize that the word ‘CURRY’ is misspelled as ‘CARRY’ on the shop sign, and that is because they just left the mistake made by a signboard designer when the restaurant first opened. Such a thing could happen only in the past, so the story sounds rather heartwarming.
道産子手作り たかさごや
18 Minami 2-Jo Nishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo
TEL 011-231-0841
18 Minami 2-Jo Nishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo
TEL 011-231-0841
昨年、SOUTH2 WEST8 SAPPOROの目の前に移転してきた昭和35年創業の老舗居酒屋。前店舗から62年間使用してきたという由緒ある秋田杉のL字カウンターで味わえるのは、「道産子手作り」の名の通り、道内産を中心とした旬の食材を贅沢に使った絶品料理の数々。NEPENTHESチームが必ず注文するのが、炭火でじっくり丁寧に焼き上げるほっけ一夜干焼と若鶏もも焼。皮目はカリッ、中はふっくらジューシーで、どちらも素材そのものの美味しさを存分に堪能できる名物メニューだ。他にも、これ以上ないという新鮮さで供される日替わりの刺身盛り合わせや、店主のお人柄を表したような優しい味のだし巻卵焼きなど、お酒が進む逸品揃いについつい杯を重ねてしまう。
Opened in 1960, this long-standing izakaya bar moved its location to in front of SOUTH2 WEST8 last year. There you can enjoy a number of delicious dishes full of seasonal ingredients mainly from Hokkaido on a L-shaped cedar bar table that they have used for 62 years. Their specialties, thoroughly charbroiled hokke fish and chicken thighs, are crispy on the skins but juicy inside to bring out the full flavor of the ingredients. The NEPENTHES team loves both of the dishes, along with super fresh assorted sashimi of the day and Japanese omelet that is as sweet as the owner. Every single dish they serve goes with sake, so it is hard not to drink a lot.
札幌市中央区南3条西7丁目7-28 M'sビルジング1F
1st Fl. M’s Bldg. 7-7-28 Minami 3-Jo Nishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo
TEL 011-212-1571
1st Fl. M’s Bldg. 7-7-28 Minami 3-Jo Nishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo
TEL 011-212-1571
ワインな気分の夜は、SOUTH2 WEST8 SAPPOROから徒歩1分の場所にある
「FORK」へ。こちらは〈SOUTH2 WEST8〉のディレクター・三浦健人の先輩が営む
Feel like a glass of wine? Try FORK, an Italian bar located a minute’s walk from SOUTH2 WEST8 SAPPORO. Run by a long-time friend of SOUTH2 WEST8 director Kento Mori, it is where the NEPENTHES team have dinner whenever they visit Hokkaido. You may get excited to see their mixed appetizer platter, including seven different antipasto of the day such as pâté de camagne and carottes râpées. If you are craving for more meat that matches wine, their juicy and tender roasted lamb is what you should go for. And do not forget to order their crab spaghetti with tomato cream sauce to finish up your dinner. The sauce is thick with a rich crab flavor and aroma, but you can somehow clean your plate even after a big meal. It’s definitely their must-try specialty.
Fresh Air
Fresh Air
7-1 Minami 2-Jo Nishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo
TEL 011-261-4272
7-1 Minami 2-Jo Nishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo
TEL 011-261-4272
After opening in 1993 and moving to the current location from Tanuki-koji 8 Chome in 1998, this secondhand record/CD shop marks its 25th anniversary this year. Many local musicians and vinyl collectors across Japan name Fresh Air as one of the most renowned music shops. From rock to classic, they carry every genre of music with over 35,000 records regularly in stock. Their selection of original pressings of rock vinyls from the 1960s to 1970s is one of the largest in Hokkaido. In recent years, there are many overseas tourists visiting the shop to find rare city pop and Japanese rock records. Plenty of bargain records and CDs are also available from 100 yen, so you may be able to get a luck find there.
719-1 Kita 7-Jo Nishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo
TEL 011-614-0535
719-1 Kita 7-Jo Nishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo
TEL 011-614-0535
SOUTH2 WEST8 SAPPOROのスタッフも足繁く通う、札幌を代表する民芸品店。60年ほど前に土産物屋や百貨店に木彫り製品を卸す会社からスタートし、3代目の現店長・川口直人さんは若手の熊彫り作家としても注目を集めている。日用品から置き物までさまざまな木彫り品を扱うが、多くの人のお目当ては手のひらサイズの熊たち。木目が生かされた無塗装のものや、最小限のノミ数であえて抽象化されたものなど、「鮭を咥えた黒光りする熊」という昔ながらの北海道土産のイメージを覆す、個性豊かな表情やポーズがなんとも愛らしい。昭和の名工たちが手がけた博物館級のコレクションを眺めつつ、自分好みの一頭を探してみては?
Since started as a wholesale company that distributed wooden sculptures to souvenir shops and department stores about 60 years ago, Yubokumin is now known as one of the most famous craft shops in Sapporo. The SOUTH2 WEST8 staff also visit there quite frequently. The shop is now run by the third owner, Naoto Kawaguchi, who currently draws attention also as an up-and-coming wooden bear sculptor. Yubokumin offers various types of wooden crafts and sculptures from everyday items to figurines, but many of the customers visit there to buy palm-sized wooden bears. Unlike traditional Hokkaido souvenir bears with a black wooden body and salmon in the mouth, those lovely small bears are made of solid, grained wood or simply carved for an abstract look. How about finding your own favorite bear at the shop, while appreciating a series of museum-class wooden works made by great craftsmen in the Showa era?
どんぐり 山鼻店
Donguri / Yamahana Branch
7-1-20 Minami 22-Jo Nishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo
TEL 011-215-0878
7-1-20 Minami 22-Jo Nishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo
TEL 011-215-0878
Chikuwa-filled bread, a Sapporo locals’ all-time favorite, always satisfies the NEPENTHES team when they feel a little hungry during the Tenkara trip. Now the local food is available at convenience stores and known nationwide, but did you know that it originated from this bakery, Donguri? The original recipe was created from a customer’s idea to wrap a tuna salad-filled chikuwa with bread dough. Though it sounds a little miss-matched, the plump texture of chikuwa is just addictive. Another popular food of the bakery is Kushi-Zangi, skewered three big chicken pieces.
豚丼のぶたはげ 札幌北広島店
Butahage / Sapporo Kita-Hiroshima Branch
北広島市大曲幸町3丁目7-6 三井アウトレットパーク札幌北広島クローバー・モール2F フードコート内
In the Clover Dinning at Mitsui Outlet Park Sapporo Kitahiroshima, 3-7-6 Omagari-saiwai Cho, Kita-hiroshima City
TEL 011-377-2989
In the Clover Dinning at Mitsui Outlet Park Sapporo Kitahiroshima, 3-7-6 Omagari-saiwai Cho, Kita-hiroshima City
TEL 011-377-2989
道東・帯広市の郷土料理である豚丼を北広島エリアで食べられるお店。最大のこだわりは、豚丼誕生から今日まで受け継がれてきた伝統の味。道産豚の中でも2~3%しかいない特別な豚の、さらに選りすぐりの部位だけを、食べ応えのある厚切りにカット。それを今も手作りする甘さ控えめな秘伝のたれにくぐらせ、職人が丁寧に網焼きすることで香り高く仕上げる。セットで食べられる道産野菜をたっぷり使用した具沢山のとん汁も美味。ちなみにお店のマネージャーを務める森裕介さんは、「SOUTH2 WEST8 SAPPORO」の顧客であり、テンカラ師の顔も持つ。
At Butahage, you can enjoy a bowl of Butadon, a local specialty of Obihiro City in the eastern Hokkaido. Their Butadon is made to convey the classic flavor of the dish, using the selected parts of special pork that accounts for only 2-3% of Hokkaido pork. The pork is then thickly sliced and marinated in their lightly sweetened secret sauce, and carefully grilled by their skilled cooks. The savory aroma comes out as the pork is carefully grilled before being served with a tasty pork miso soup full of Hokkaido veggies. The restaurant’s manager, Yusuke Mori, is a SOUTH2 WEST8 SAPPORO customer who is also active as a Tenkara angler.
大倉山 ジャンプ競技場
Sapporo Okurayama Ski Jump Stadium
1274 Miya-no-Mori, Chuo-ku, Sapporo
TEL 011-641-8585
1274 Miya-no-Mori, Chuo-ku, Sapporo
TEL 011-641-8585
Okurayama Ski Jump Stadium hosted some ski jump competitions the Sapporo 1972 Winter Olympics. The observation lounge at the top is one of the best scenic spots in Sapporo City, overlooking the vast panoramic view of Ishikari Plain and faraway Ishikari Bay, as well as the Sapporo landscape. Unlike Mt. Moiwa where tourists ride on a ropeway to go to the top, a chair lift takes the visitors to the observation lounge at 307 meters altitude with the view of a steep ramp on the side. You can also enjoy the stunning Sapporo nightscape that is chosen as one of the new top 3 night views in Japan from July to September, while experiencing a thrilling lift ride.
エスコンフィールド北海道 北広島市Fビレッジ
F Village, Kita-hiroshima City
F Village, Kita-hiroshima City
2023年3月30日に開業した北海道の新名所「HOKKAIDO BALLPARK F VILLAGE」。札幌市内と新千歳空港の間にある北広島市に位置し、北海道日本ハムファイターズの新球場を中心として宿泊施設やレストラン、グランピング施設などさまざまな施設が揃う。日本初の開閉式屋根付き天然芝球場「ES CON FIELD HOKKAIDO」は、360度回遊型のコンコースに並ぶ多彩なフードショップに加え、世界で初めて球場内にクラフトビール醸造レストランや温泉&サウナも併設する。サウナでととのった後、開放感あふれるルーフトップスペースで野球を観戦しながら飲む一杯は格別!
HOKKAIDO BALLPARK F VILLAGE opened on March 30th, 2023 as Hokkaido’s new sightseeing spot. The place is located in Kita-hiroshima, a city sitting between Sapporo City and New Chitose Airport, and centered around this new home field for the Hokkaido Nippon Ham Fighters, consists of a variety of facilities such as accommodations, restaurants and glamping sites. ES CON FIELD HOKKAIDO in the area is Japan’s first natural turf baseball ground that features a retractable roof. Various food shops are attached to the 360-degree circular concourse, along with world’s first stadium-adjacent beer brewery restaurant, a stadium hot spring, and a sauna. After-sauna beer tastes just great especially at the open-air rooftop space!