陸上競技場の走路(Track)に由来するその名称が示すように、もともとは陸上選手が穿くトレーニング用のボトムスだったトラックパンツが、 ファッションアイテムとして注目を集めるようになったのは1980年代半ばのこと。当初は〈adidas〉をはじめとするスポーツブランドのアイテムが主流だったが、やがてさまざまなアパレルブランドからもリリースされるようになり、デイリーウェアとして広く着用されるようになった。
Just as the name suggests, track pants were originally developed as training wear for athletes. It was in the mid-1980s that the item started to be incorporated in fashion and attract public attention. Most of track pants made around the period were from sportswear companies such as adidas, but many clothing labels later began to design their own and people gradually regarded it as something that can be worn on the street.
NEEDLES track pants have enjoyed worldwide popularity since the launch in 2008 with its unique coloration and wide range of shapes. But how was this beloved piece created? The brand’s designer, Keizo Shimizu, reveals all the behind-the-scenes stories of his renowned track pants through this interview.
Photography : Takeki Yasuda Interview & Text : Daisuke Inoue