須藤由美:大阪府生まれ。NEPENTHES WOMANディレクター。2022年春夏シーズンよりウィメンズ・ブランド〈RHODOLIRION〉をスタートした。大の愛猫家。/ 最近観た映画は『イングロリアス・バスターズ』。YUMI SUDO: Born in Osaka. Director at Nepenthes Woman. Launched brand RHODOLIRION from 2022 Spring/Summer season. Avid cat lover. / Recently watched movie : Inglourious Basterds.

『百万長者と結婚する方法』How to Marry a Millionaire (1953)
大金持ちとの結婚を夢見てNYも高級アパートで共同生活を始めた3人のモデルたち。その恋の行方をマリリン・モンロー、ローレル・バコール、ベティ・グレイブルの豪華共演で描いたロマンティック・コメディ。デジタル配信中。(発売元:発売ウォルト・ディズニー・ジャパン)。© 2022 20th Century Studios.
須藤由美:大阪府生まれ。NEPENTHES WOMANディレクター。2022年春夏シーズンよりウィメンズ・ブランド〈RHODOLIRION〉をスタートした。大の愛猫家。/ 最近観た映画は『イングロリアス・バスターズ』。YUMI SUDO: Born in Osaka. Director at Nepenthes Woman. Launched brand RHODOLIRION from 2022 Spring/Summer season. Avid cat lover. / Recently watched movie : Inglourious Basterds.

『百万長者と結婚する方法』How to Marry a Millionaire (1953)
© 2022 20th Century Studios.
© 2022 20th Century Studios.
Movies are a mirror of the times and have been closely tied to fashion. Just as there are movies, where we like the story and the actors so much, that we watch again and again. There are also movies with costumes unforgettably fascinating. Nepenthes is keen to know of the works that became fashion inspirations to the visionaries. In this issue, we invited 10 creators to reveal and reminisce their encounter with movies and fashion.
How to Marry a Millionaire was one of the films that opened up a path for Marilyn to join the stars in Hollywood, and made Marilyn Monroe a “sex symbol”, captivating men around the world. I think I was in my late 20s when I first saw it. I was interested in her fashion, and a little bit of researching led me to this film. She plays a beautiful but unsuccessful model, with a complex about her extreme nearsightedness. In the film, she takes her glasses off in the presence of others because she is convinced that “women with glasses were unpopular”, which leads to silly mistakes, such as stubbing her toe on furniture and reading a book upside down. I found this all very cute. Since then, I began collecting fox eye shaped glasses, similar to what her character wore. But sadly, I am blessed with very good eyesight (laughs). And I somehow felt embarrassed wearing glasses without a purpose, and so my favorite frames didn’t see daylight for a while. Then, about 10 years ago, my astigmatism suddenly began, and my frames were finally able to serve their purpose. I had a late debut, but I think the glasses look is starting to suit me (laughs).
Photography by Akira Yamada
Edit by Daisuke Inoue
Edit by Daisuke Inoue