服部昌孝:1985年、静岡県生まれ。スタイリスト。ファッションビジュアルやアーティストのスタイリングを中心に活動。制作会社「服部プロ」ではMVやCM制作も行う。最近観た映画は『マッドマックス 怒りのデスロード』。Masataka Hattori: Born in 1985 in Sizuoka Prefrecture. Stylist. Working as a clothing stylist for musicians and fashion visual projects, he has been participating in music and advertising video productions through his own production company, Hattori Pro. The movie he watched most recently is Mad Max: Fury Road.

『太陽を盗んだ男』The Man Who Stole the Sun (1979)
自宅で原爆の製造に成功した沢田研二扮する中学教師の城戸誠。強力な切り札を手に入れた彼は、国家を相手に次々に理不尽な要求を突きつけていく……。長谷川和彦監督による伝説のカルト作。DVD発売中(発売元:ショウゲート / 販売元:アミューズソフト)
© 1979 東宝/フィルムリンク・インターナショナル
© 1979 東宝/フィルムリンク・インターナショナル
服部昌孝:1985年、静岡県生まれ。スタイリスト。ファッションビジュアルやアーティストのスタイリングを中心に活動。制作会社「服部プロ」ではMVやCM制作も行う。最近観た映画は『マッドマックス 怒りのデスロード』。Masataka Hattori: Born in 1985 in Sizuoka Prefrecture. Stylist. Working as a clothing stylist for musicians and fashion visual projects, he has been participating in music and advertising video productions through his own production company, Hattori Pro. The movie he watched most recently is Mad Max: Fury Road.

『太陽を盗んだ男』The Man Who Stole the Sun (1979)
自宅で原爆の製造に成功した沢田研二扮する中学教師の城戸誠。強力な切り札を手に入れた彼は、国家を相手に次々に理不尽な要求を突きつけていく……。長谷川和彦監督による伝説のカルト作。DVD発売中(発売元:ショウゲート / 販売元:アミューズソフト)
© 1979 東宝/フィルムリンク・インターナショナル
© 1979 東宝/フィルムリンク・インターナショナル
Movies are a mirror of the times and have been closely tied to fashion. Just as there are movies, where we like the story and the actors so much, that we watch again and again. There are also movies with costumes unforgettably fascinating. Nepenthes is keen to know of the works that became fashion inspirations to the visionaries. In this issue, we invited 10 creators to reveal and reminisce their encounter with movies and fashion.
I love Japan’s 1970s and 1980s culture as a whole. Among all the cultural figures in the era, Juie (Kenji Sawada) means special for me as a fashion icon. Though his flashy stage costume and full face of makeup were more famous back then, he also looks gorgeous in modest clothes in movies and TV dramas made around that time. The Man Who Stole the Sun is a movie that brings out his dressed-down coolness the best, I think. Let me pick up a scene in which he is chased by a police car on the Metropolitan Expressway in Tokyo as an example. He wears a navy Harrington jacket layered over a white dress shirt, slightly flared slim pants and mid-top boots while driving his Mazda RX-7. Looking carefully, you may realize that his costume is always carefully selected despite the simple appearance. Regarding the movie, the nonsense story of a man who builds an atomic bomb at home with plutonium isotopes he stole from a nuclear power plant and the unauthorized shooting in front of the Imperial Palace and the parliament building tend to be more talked about, but Julie’s maniac, seductive way of acting is so epic, too, that young actors nowadays are never be able to perform similarly.
Photography by Akira Yamada
Edit by Daisuke Inoue
Edit by Daisuke Inoue