

田我流:山梨県生まれ。ラッパー。昨年6月に自身のレーベル「BACK CITY BLUES」を設立し、新曲「VIBE feat. MILES WORD, 丸, SHEEF THE 3RD, DJ BUNTA」を配信リリースした。最近観た映画は『竜二』。
Dengaryu : From Yamanashi. Rapper. He established his new label Back City Blues this June and released a new song “Vibe feat. Miles Word, Maru, Sheef the 3rd, DJ Bunta”. An avid fisher, and is also the appointed field ambassador for South2 West8. Recently watched movie: Ryuji.




田我流:山梨県生まれ。ラッパー。昨年6月に自身のレーベル「BACK CITY BLUES」を設立し、新曲「VIBE feat. MILES WORD, 丸, SHEEF THE 3RD, DJ BUNTA」を配信リリースした。最近観た映画は『竜二』。
Dengaryu : From Yamanashi. Rapper. He established his new label Back City Blues this June and released a new song “Vibe feat. Miles Word, Maru, Sheef the 3rd, DJ Bunta”. An avid fisher, and is also the appointed field ambassador for South2 West8. Recently watched movie: Ryuji.
北野武が監督した映画を観たのは『ソナチネ』が最初ですね。親が役者を目指していたこともあって、小さい頃から結構いろんな映画を観ていたんですが、『ソナチネ』は明らかにそれらとは違っていて。まだ小学生だったので、よく分からないんだけどすげえヤバいもんを観ちゃったなって気分になったのを覚えています。その“分からなさ”が逆に気になっちゃって、そこから大体の作品を観たんじゃないかな。好きなのは、やっぱり初期の作品ですね。『3-4 X 10月』『あの夏、いちばん静かな海。』『ソナチネ』あたり。なかでも、俳優としての武さんにヤラれたのが『HANA-BI』で。いたって普通のスーツとシャツを着てただ黙って立っているだけなのに、なんとも表現のしようがないオーラが漂っているというか。同じ凶暴な人間でもイタリアンマフィアなんかとは別種の、カッコよさや怖さ、さらにその裏に隠されたインテリジェンスやさみしさを感じるんですよね。正直、映画を観ていて衣装に注目することはほとんどないけど、武さんが『HANA-BI』で演じた大西という男のあのスーツ姿だけは、今でも強烈に記憶に残っています。


Movies are a mirror of the times and have been closely tied to fashion. Just as there are movies, where we like the story and the actors so much, that we watch again and again. There are also movies with costumes unforgettably fascinating. Nepenthes is keen to know of the works that became fashion inspirations to the visionaries. In this issue, we invited 10 creators to reveal and reminisce their encounter with movies and fashion.
The first works I saw from director Takeshi Kitano was Sonatine. I had seen many movies since I was a child, partially because one of my parents was an aspiring actor, but Sonatine was nothing like the others. I was still in elementary school, so I didn’t understand but I just felt like I saw something wicked. From then on, my curiosity drove me to watch all his other movies. I must say I enjoy the early works, around Boiling Point, A Scene at the Sea, and Sonatine. Among them, I was captivated with Kitano as an actor in Hana-bi. He just stands there silently in an ordinary suit and shirt, but there is an aura about him that is hard to describe. He’s ferocious, but different from that of the Italian mafia. He is cool and scary, and behind that façade I sense intelligence and sadness. To be honest, I rarely pay attention to the fashion in movies, but the suit Kitano’s character Onishi wore in Hana-bi still remains an intense memory in my mind.
Photography by Akira Yamada 
 Edit by Daisuke Inoue