BROWN by 2-tacsのNAP JACは冬山用ダウンジャケット。羽毛をパックしない構造は寝袋と同じ。温かくて軽いです(約490g)。
This light and warm down jacket for winter hiking is called
NAP JAC and made for my brand, BROWN by 2-tacs.
メリノウールは機能的だけど、あえてそう見えないように注染で柄を入れたBROWN by 2-tacsのポケT。気分は不良ハイカー(笑)。
Merino wool is a functional material, but I made this T-shirt for my brand look less utilitarian by adding a pattern.
NORRØNA’s dri1 Jacket is my favorite. It’s made of a 2.5-layer moisture permeable and waterproof fabric.
This photo is taken at midwinter in 2017. Despite the strong wind, it was refreshing to hike in the crisp air.
Around the time when this photo was taken, 2014, I spent all my spare time to go mountains for climbing or trekking.
I climb Mt. Fuji in May every year. In 2017, I tested the comfort of clothes made of natural materials through real use.
昔はスラックスで登山したりしてたんですよね。それがカッコよくて化繊で作ったのが、BROWN by 2-tacsのHIKE SLACKSです。
People used to go climbing in trousers. The style looked really cool to me, so I designed these HIKE SLACKS.
For a few days’ thru-hiking, I usually bring a 30L backpack. The one in the middle is from a brand called Ray-Way.
Sleeping bags from mont-bell have long been my favorite. I usually put extra down around my feet to make it bulkier.
BROWN by 2-tacsのBIG SACOCHEはストラップを外してスタッフサックとしても使えたり。意外と収納力もあるし便利なはず。
BROWN by 2-tacs’s BIG SACOCHE is a functional storage option that can also be used as a stuff sack.
These wool fleece pants keep you warm and comfortable. It’s not activewear, but suits for driving a car in wintertime.
These super comfy allbirds sneakers are made of New Zealand Merino wool. You can wear it without socks.
Joel Tudor’s shortboards are easy to surf because those reflect his extensive experience in longboarding.
I have been surfing since high school. A shaper in Omaezaki City made this board about ten years ago.
This longboard made in the 60s is quite heavy and has no leash cord. So it’ll be a trouble if you made a big mistake.
Old-time hikers often wore rugby shirts. I want to design it but am still dwelling on which material I would use.
3シーズン使える薄手のダウンジャケットがBROWN by 2-tacsのBEFOLDER JKTです。小さくなるし、いつもバッグに入ってます。
BEFOLDER JKT from BROWN by 2-tacs is a packable down jacket that can be used in three seasons. It’s always in my bag.
BROWN by 2-tacsのウールのインナーメッシュは夏にぜひ。すごく気持ちいいけど、これだけで着てるとマズい(笑)。スケスケで。
This wool mesh shirt is also from BROWN by 2-tacs. It’s ideal in summertime, but don’t wear it alone (laughs).
I bought this mohair blanket at a throw store in New Zealand. Being light and warm, it’s perfect for vehicle camping.
This possum merino sweater is also made in New Zealand. The fabric is quite light and excellent in heat retention.
BROWN by 2-tacsでメリノウールのBDシャツも作りました。薄手の天竺は軽くてストレッチして、肌触りもとても気持ちいい。
I designed a merino wool button-down shirt for BROWN by 2-tacs, too. It’s thin, light, flexible and soft in texture.
I bought thses lauhala hats in Hawaii 6-7 years ago. It’s hand weaved by a local old lady of Japanese descent.
CASIO’s ILLUMINATOR watch is a quite affordable yet tough masterpiece. Most of my friends own it (laughs).
I traveled to Taiwan with my family in 2011. Because a typhoon was approaching then, I enjoyed overhead waves.
BROWN by 2-tacs のMETRONOMEは日本のコンフォート
The products in our shoe line are made by a comfort shoe maker in Japan. The insoles are so soft and walkable.
CASE by CASEというバッグシリーズは僕自身が縫ってます。生地は軽くて丈夫なX-PAC。買い物に便利なトートは吹き流し付き。
CASE by CASE is our bag line and all the products are sewn by me, using a light and tough fabric called X-PAC.
BROWN by 2-tacsのJET CAPはサイドメッシュで夏もムレ知らず。SUN VISORは春になるとなんだか被りたくなるんですよね。
With mesh side panels, this JET CAP keeps your head comfortable even in summertime. SUN VISOR is my spring staple.