Nepenthes Hakata
Timeworn Clothing
Kushida Shrine
うどん 杵むら
カフェ ブラジレイロ
Café Brasileiro
フランス菓子 16区
皮焼焼鳥 サンバ
まぐろ料理 紀文
長野Mizutaki Nagano
酔い処 つどい
Nepenthes Hakata
2-28 Tenya-machi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka
TEL 092-292-0579
2-28 Tenya-machi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka
TEL 092-292-0579
福岡・博多の地で開店10周年を迎えた「NEPENTHES HAKATA」。場所は博多駅と博多港をつなぐ大博通りから一本入った裏通り。歴史情緒あふれる街並みと近代的な建物が混在するこの地区に、白亜のビルが不思議なほど溶け込んでいる。たなびくフラッグを目印に長いエントランスを抜けると、1階にあるのは今夏新設されたばかりのウィメンズフロア。広々としたスペースに〈RHODOLIRION〉などNEPENTHES WOMANのアイテムが並ぶ。特注のタイルで飾られた階段を上がった先には、ずらりとアイテムがひしめく圧巻のシューズコーナーが。その奥には〈NEEDLES〉〈ENGINEERED GARMENTS〉〈SOUTH2 WEST8〉の最新コレクションが一堂に揃う。海外のホテルを彷彿とさせるインテリアは“REMIX”など今号の各所に登場しているので、合わせてチェックしてほしい。
NEPENTHES HAKATA marks its 10th anniversary this year in Hakata, Fukuoka. Located on a back alley off Taihaku-dori Street that links Hakata Station and Hakata Port, the stark white building magically blends into the town where historic architecture meets a modern landscape. The long pathway under a logo flag invites you to the womenswear section on the just-refurbished 1st floor where a series of RHODOLIRION pieces and other NEPENTHES WOMAN clothes are showcased. At the top of the stairs decorated with made-to-order tiles, there is an incredible shoe section filled with a wide range of products. You can also find the latest pieces from NEEDLES, ENGINEERED GARMENTS and SOUTH2 WEST8 on the 2nd floor. The chic, resort-like interior of NEPENTHES HAKATA is also shown in this issue’s other articles such as REMIX.
1-28-8 Hakataekimae, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka
TEL 092-433-5781
1-28-8 Hakataekimae, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka
TEL 092-433-5781
2013年に博多に移転オープンした〈コム デ ギャルソン〉九州唯一の路面店。歴史的な建造物が多いこの地区で、ユニークな外観のビルが一際異彩を放っている。グラフィティ調の壁面アートワークが目を引く1階では、ウェアからバッグ、小物に至るまで、〈コム デ ギャルソン〉が手がける17のブランドを一度に見られるのが嬉しい。2階には〈CDG〉も併設されているので、チェックをお忘れなく。博多祇園山笠発祥の地として知られる承天寺や櫛田神社からもほど近く、博多散策の際にはぜひ足を運んでおきたい場所だ。
The only roadside store of COMME des GARÇONS in the Kyushu area. The unique exterior of the premises stands out in a town with many venerable buildings, while the inside walls are decorated with impressive graffiti-like artwork. From clothes to bags to accessories, products from 17 different brands of COMME des GARÇONS are showcased on the first floor. On the upstairs, you can find CDG items. There are Jotenji temple and Kushida shrine within a walking distance, so why not include this highly sophisticated shop in your Hakata trip itinerary?
Timeworn Clothing Hakata
6-23 Shimogofuku-machi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka
6-23 Shimogofuku-machi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka
邊見馨氏がディレクションする「TIMEWORN CLOTHING」の2号店として、2015年にオープン。注目の博多エリアで近隣の商業エリアからは少し離れているが、1950年代に建てられたこのビルに邊見氏が惚れ込み、即決したという。古き良きアメリカのクラフトマンシップを彷彿とさせる、細部までこだわり抜かれた上質な品々が並ぶ店には、ブランド設立時からの顧客はもちろん、海外のファンも多く訪れる。落ち着いた雰囲気の店内には、アクセサリーやシューズも充実しているので、ブランドの世界観を余す所なく堪能できるのも嬉しい。
This is the second branch of TIMEWORN CLOTHING, an apparel brand directed by Kei Hemmi, and opened in 2015. Although the location is a little away from Hakata’s commercial district, Hemmi is said to make a snap decision after seeing this building established in the 1950s. This shop carrying quality garments with an old American vibe and elaborate detailing attracts not just their long-time customers but also overseas fans. A wide range of accessories and shoes are also available here, so you can fully immerse yourself in the mood of the brand.
2-4-35-106 Yakuin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
2-4-35-106 Yakuin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
福岡で行列の絶えない人気ラーメン店といえば、ここ。以前『NEPENTHES in print #5』にも登場してくれた店主の廣畑典大氏が一人で切り盛りする。麺はすべて自家製。しかもスープに合わせて変えているので、ラーメンの種類が違えば麺も違う。今回頼んだ「特上中華そば」は、丸みのある滋味深いスープに喉越しの良い手もみ麺がベストマッチ。最後の一滴まで美味しく味わえる。現在3種類提供されている替え玉の麺はどれも素材の味が生きた濃厚な味わいで、そのまま軽く混ぜて油そばのように食べる常連さんがほとんど。
Fukuoka’s popular ramen restaurant that can have people waiting in line. Owner Norihiro Hirohata was once featured in NEPENTHES in print #5. All the noodles served at Hanamokoshi is home-made, while each ramen is made with a different type of noodle. For example, Tokujo Chuka Soba, what we ordered this time, features smooth hand-rolled noodle to pair with mellow, flavorful soup that can be drunk up to the last drop. There are currently three different noodle refills (kaedama) available at the restaurant, and each of them brings out the flavor of the ingredients and is so rich in taste that most of the regulars have them without dipping it in the soup.
Kushida Shrine
1-41 Kamikawabata-machi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka
TEL 092-291-2951
1-41 Kamikawabata-machi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka
TEL 092-291-2951
Said to be built around the 8th century, this shrine is often considered by locals as the guardian of the city with nickname “Okushida-san.” It has always played a key role at the city’s traditional festivals, including Setsubun in February, Hakata Dontaku in May, Yamakasa in July and Hakata Okunchi in October. After the major expansion of the Fukuoka City Subway system, it’s now much easier to visit the shrine from Fukuoka Airport or Tenjin with the new Kushida Shrine station. There are many famous restaurants and trending spots near the shrine, so it’s worth visiting whenever you stay in Fukuoka.
うどん 杵むら
福岡市中央区薬院2-14-28 2F
2nd Fl. 2-14-28 Yakuin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
TEL 092-714-2323
2nd Fl. 2-14-28 Yakuin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
TEL 092-714-2323
It's true that there are many udon lovers in Fukuoka. And Kimura is an udon restaurant loved by many Fukuokans. It is located on the top of an ivy-covered stairs, offering a cozy, welcoming atmosphere. What you should have here is their signature goma-miso udon. Despite the thick-looking soup, it tastes elegant and delicate with a rich flavor of dashi broth. Their udon noodle is adequately chewy and the mild miso-flavored soup well cling to it. If you have some more appetite left after a bowl of udon, try kashiwa-meshi (chicken rice) which Fukuoka people love to have with udon. The gentle umami from the chicken, veggies and dashi will sate your stomach.
カフェ ブラジレイロ
Café Brasileiro
1-20 Tenya-machi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka
TEL 092-271-0021
1-20 Tenya-machi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka
TEL 092-271-0021
「NEPENTHES HAKATA」の目と鼻の先にある喫茶店。1934年創業の老舗で、過去には火野葦平や原田種夫ら九州の文人が集いの場として利用していた。厳選した豆を自家焙煎したコーヒーはもちろん、こだわりの洋食も絶品。博多の食通にも人気のランチメニューは、毎日すぐに完売してしまうほどだ。中でもユニークな形状の「ミンチカツ」は、味もボリュームも文句なしの一品。昔ながらの喫茶店の風情を残す店内で、コーヒーとともに堪能したい。ランチメニューの一部は予約もできるので、絶対に食べたい!という方は事前に電話を。
This coffee shop, a stone’s throw away from NEPENTHES HAKATA, used to be a gathering spot of authors in Kyushu such as Ashihei Hino and Taneo Harada. Along with their in-house roasted coffee, their lunchtime dishes are so popular and well-known that they are always sold out immediately. Their unique minced meat cutlet is, however, what you should try once. The retro interior makes it taste even better. They accept advanced order for some lunchtime dishes, so make a phone call before you go to avoid sold-out disappointment.
フランス菓子 16区
4-20-10 Yakuin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
TEL 092-531-3011
4-20-10 Yakuin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
TEL 092-531-3011
Since established in 1981, 16e has been loved by locals as a patisserie offering one-of-a-kind French confectionery. Their dacquoise, invented by owner chef Takao Mishima when he was in Paris, consists of crispy yet fluffy almond meringue and gently sweetened cream. This flavorful pastry has been a gift staple among Fukuoka residents, and NEPENTHES representative Keizo Shimizu also loves it. Other cakes and pastries available at this shop are also their original recipes and made with carefully-selected fresh ingredients. Each of them is perfect for both dessert and gift.
福岡市博多区上川端町11-8 1F
1st Fl. 11-8 Kamikawabata-machi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka
TEL 092-271-6640
1st Fl. 11-8 Kamikawabata-machi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka
TEL 092-271-6640
This long-established curry/hamburg steak restaurant is known as a place where many celebrities and actors pay a visit. Their menu lists a variety of savory-looking dishes from cutlet curry to fried shrimp curry to a hamburg steak meal, but the most popular one is their unique hamburg curry. Despite the punchy appearance, this European-style curry tastes mild and matches well with the tender and juicy hamburg steak on the top. It’s definitely something you’ll immediately wolf down. Because the owner loves Hiroshima Carp, you can find a lot of logos and mascots of the baseball team in this place.
皮焼焼鳥 サンバ
福岡市中央区薬院4-18-9 1F
1st Fl. 4-18-9 Yakuin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
TEL 092-524-9201
1st Fl. 4-18-9 Yakuin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
TEL 092-524-9201
福岡のローカルグルメ、とり皮を思う存分楽しみたいなら「サンバ」がおすすめ。明るい店主が迎えてくれるこの焼鳥店では「NEPENTHES HAKATA」の打ち上げがたびたび開催されている。「焼き」と「味つけ」を6日間繰り返して一本一本丁寧に作られるとり皮は、外はパリパリ、中はモチモチ。お湯割りやビールにも文句なく合う。わさびがしっかりきいた醤油にからめていただく「しぎ焼」は、新鮮なささみを半レアで。辛さと新鮮な肉の旨みがクセになる。焼鳥は仲間と一緒にわいわい呑みながら、生キャベツも一緒に食べるのが福岡流。
Samba is the place where you can try one of Fukuoka’s local goodies, torikawa (chicken skin skewer). NEPENTHES HAKATA staff often hold a post-event party at this yakitori restaurant. It actually takes 6 days for them to prepare torikawa skewers with a repetition of grilling and flavoring. Each piece is crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside, matching perfectly well with shochu with hot water and beer. Their Shigi-yaki (half-raw chicken breast skewer) is served with soy sauce seasoned with grated wasabi. You’ll love the mix of the spiciness and fresh flavor of the chicken. In Fukuoka, people usually enjoy yakitori with fresh cabbage while drinking with their friends.
まぐろ料理 紀文
福岡市博多区店屋町7-1 1F
1st Fl. 7-1 Tenya-machi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka
TEL 092-231-2687
1st Fl. 7-1 Tenya-machi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka
TEL 092-231-2687
昨年6月に現在の場所に移転して以来、「NEPENTHES HAKATA」スタッフが足繁くランチに訪れるようになったまぐろ専門店。名物の鉄火丼も絶品だが、スタッフの定番メニューは刺身と山かけがセットになったB定食だ。店主が毎朝市場で仕入れる新鮮なまぐろが、刺身だけでなく山かけの中にもぎっしり。ツナマヨサラダも付け合わせとは思えないほどボリュームたっぷりで、ご飯が進む。お吸い物の具までまぐろづくしなのも嬉しい。広い店内には物販コーナーもあり、釣りが趣味の店主が手作りしたルアーなどが並んでいる。
After this tuna specialty restaurant moved to the current location in June last year, NEPENTHES HAKATA staff have been frequenting there for lunch. All the tuna served in this restaurant is super fresh as it is purchased on the same day. The restaurant’s tuna rice bowl tastes fabulous, of course, but NEPENTHES HAKATA’s favorite is B-teishoku, a set meal consisting of tuna sashimi and raw tuna topped with grated yam. Along with a clear soup with tuna, this tuna-centric meal comes also with a tuna salad that is so satisfying and goes perfectly well with rice. This spacious restaurant has a merchandise section where you can find fishing lures hand-made by the owner.
水たき 長野
Mizutaki Nagano
1-6 Tsushimakoji, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka
TEL 092-281-2200
1-6 Tsushimakoji, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka
TEL 092-281-2200
全国的な知名度を誇る博多名物のひとつ、水たき。有名店は数あれど、誰もがその名を挙げるのが「水たき 長野」だ。90年以上博多っ子の舌を楽しませてきた白濁スープは、旨みの塊。コクがあってまろやかなのに後味はすっきり。鶏肉もこのスープで炊いているので、肉の旨みが外に逃げ出さず、噛むごとに濃厚な味わいを堪能できる。骨付き肉の「水たき」と、四ツ身とミンチが入った「スープ炊き」の2種のメニューがあるが、2名以上なら両方頼むのがおすすめ。県内外を問わずファンが多い店なので、余裕を持って予約するのを忘れずに。
Mizutaki hot pot is a famous local delicacy in Hakata. Although there are many restaurants that serve the dish, Nagano is definitely one of the most popular ones. Their whitish broth having been loved by locals for over 90 years is amazingly flavorful and tastes rich yet not heavy. Chicken in the pot is also stewed in the soup, so it releases locked-in flavors as you chew. Nagano serves two types of Mizutaki, one with bone-in chicken and one with chicken thigh pieces and mince balls, and, if you are two or more, you can order both. Make sure to book a table in advance as the restaurant is very popular among both locals and travelers.
牛もつ鍋料理 みやもと
8-2 Reisen-machi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka
TEL 092-271-1343
8-2 Reisen-machi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka
TEL 092-271-1343
This 49-year-old established motsunabe restaurant is featured in the Michelin Guide Fukuoka in 2019. There is no menu available here and what they offer is only motsunabe hot pot. The first pot consists only of motsu and garlic chives, and you cannot order tofu and cabbage until getting a refill. They set such rules just because they want their customers to taste the signature motsu and broth they are proud of. The broth is thickly flavored to go with drinks as well as carefully prepared motsu. Arrays of bottles kept by the regulars on the walls tell that there are so many people who love this place and taste.
酔い処 つどい
5-20-3 Sumiyoshi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka
5-20-3 Sumiyoshi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka
Known as the epicenter of Hakata’s subculture, Tsudoi is a bar run by a nice and gentle owner, Gyu-san. There is no signboard outside of the place, but a lantern with a phrase “the smell of night.” There is a small shop named Kokoro Shop right next to the entrance and it is jointly managed by Fukuoka-based illustrator NONCHELEEE. At the bar in the back, you can enjoy their original cocktails and ramen bowls made with the noodles from Hanamokoshi, a ramen restaurant featured in this article. Their spicy Yojigen (four-dimensional) ramen changes its taste little by little as you mix the toppings - perfect ramen to call it a night.