Interview & Text : Satoshi Taguchi
ー どんな人を待っているのですか。
ー 立ち姿や服装もすごく「きまっている」人ばかりです。
「洋服はその人の“うろこ”のようになってないと駄目なんです。いかにも着せられたようなのではなくてね。汚い格好だとしても、その格好がその人の肌のようになっている。そういうのが、ファッショナブルなことだと思います。コム デ ギャルソンの1枚の黒布で作った服みたいに。あれはすごく格好いい。好きなんです。川久保玲さんの仕事が。高くて買えないですけれど(笑)。ポートレイトは目と顔が重要といいますが、それよりも肩の線とか腕の線とか、そういうことがすごく語り出すんですよね。それが人柄を表現するんです。撮る時は指示をすると不自然になってしまうから、『左足に体重をかけてください』と言う程度。表情がフリーズしてしまうので、カメラは手持ちでやっています」
ー なぜ浅草なのですか。
ー 40年。なぜそんなに時間をかけて同じことを続けるのでしょう。
On most days of a week, Kikai gets up with the sunrise and begins the day with a cup of his favorite tea. Sometimes he feeds his cat, too. After doing housework and taking a walk, he goes to a photo shoot around 10AM. What he puts in his backpack is a Hasselblad camera, an 80mm lens and some rolls of Brownie films. He walks to his nearest train station to catch a rapid train and then transfer to a subway to get to Asakusa. Soon after arriving at the historical town around 11AM, the time when most of the shops near Sensoji shrine open, he goes to a red wall that he always uses as a backdrop. If the wall got dirty, he wipes it before shooting. Then he begins to wait for his object to come in the shrine, looking at passersby.
With a little luck he could meet five-six people to photograph, but normally he takes only a few portraits a day. There are times, however, when he just waste three hours to stand there. Even if he found one, some people immediately refuse his enthusiastic offer or ignore it. As the situation demands, he is generous with altering his longtime habit. In the hottest time of summer he goes to Asakusa by the first train while he leaves home in the afternoon during winter to make a brief stop at a food stall to get warm meals. Or he may spend a great deal of time in big projects such as “Portrait of Tokyo” or “Candid Photos taken In India and Turkey” which he works in parallel with the portrait project in Asakusa. But yet most of his time has been spent on waiting ideal people in the town for forty years. Such tireless effort and vast amounts of hours do make the series of portraits maverick and impressive.
I feel sorry for him to ask this question because so many people may have done the same. But it’s difficult not to ask that.
ー What kind of people are you waiting for?
“It’s not easy to explain what kind of people I’d like to photograph. They may have to be a kind of clue for us to understand what a human being is. I don’t just photograph quirky people. They should have something very deep inside, otherwise the series of portraits will look like a fancy-dress parade. A portrait photo has to express the object’s lifelong history. Unabiding, flimsy ones shouldn’t be called portraits, I think.”
ー I found their figures and fashion really cool.
“Clothing should never be an imposed costume of the wearer but be something like their ‘scales.’ It has to look cool in photography even though it’s dirty in reality. I think that is what one should describe as fashionable, like a COMME des GARÇONS garment made from a black cloth. The piece looked really cool. I love what Rei Kawakubo has done although her clothes are too expensive to buy (laugh). It is said that merit of a portrait is determined by the object’s eyes and face, but I found that the shoulder line and arms are much more eloquent. When I photograph those people, I don’t give many directions as it makes the portrait rather artificial. I don’t use a tripod, too, because it hardens the object’s face.”
ー Why did you choose Asakusa?
“I don’t try to photograph people in Asakusa. I feel like as if I could burst through the earth by drilling down on the limited place. So, Asakusa is a place for me to be a catalyst, I think. People who can’t understand it tell me that I should go Osaka or Okinawa to photograph strange people more effectively. But that’s just a collection and far from what I wish. I want to have more essential things. As I keep looking in Asakusa, I can see something universal and international. Maybe.”
ー You have done it for forty years. What on earth spurred you to such a feat?
“Great works have ageless power to express something. I wish what I have made can remain for years, but that’s not because I want reward. That’s because I think my photography needs such a long period of time to be approved as photographic expression. If one could receive compensation soon after she/he releases her/his work, she/he may be able to live only a brief life. By doing things tirelessly even though it makes no money for you, you can get power to survive through the years. So I have compelling reasons to pursue things that needs great amounts of time.”
Kikai looked really sharp with gray hair and it added extra weight to his words. But what he said was not difficult at all. The words sounded credible because those were generated from his experience as a photographer. As I listened to him talking about each photo, I could naturally understand what he meant. And he said;
“I thought everyone could take a photo. Years later, however, I realized that nothing can be taken in a photo. That was the reason I could be a photographer.”
There are photos that captured nothing while his portraits depict “something” inside the objects as his camera and lens enchant it. Then what’s “something” in his photography? The answer is tantalizingly out of reach, but there is a clue.
“When I held an exhibition in Poland, Andrzej Wajda visited the venue with his wife for two days in a row. And he asked me if the people in my photos were all Japanese. After I told him yes, he quietly said; ‘How similar we are.’”
Of course Japanese in Asakusa and Eastern European people don’t look alike. In black and white photography, however, they look almost same for the Polish movie giant because there is “something” common to human beings. And it is “something” determines Kikai as a photographer.
Now the number of his Asakusa portraits becomes 1,100 pieces including tons of yet-to-be-released ones. The photographer is still waiting for his object. Today he may be standing in Asakusa, seeing people in Tokyo, or enjoying a sunset view in India.

1945年山形県寒河江市生まれ。法政大学文学部哲学科を卒業後、マグロ漁船の漁師見習い、暗室マンなどを経て写真家となる。以来、「浅草でのポートレイト」、「東京の街の肖像」、「インドやトルコでのスナップ」という3つの連作を続けている。2004年『PERSONA』で第23回土門拳賞を受賞。写真を掲載した浅草でのポートレイトは、『東京ポートレイト』(クレヴィス)、『ぺるそな』(草思社)、『世間のひと』(ちくま文庫)などで見ることができる。HIROH KIKAIBorn in Yamagata in 1945, Kikai studied philosophy at Hosei University. After experiencing to be an assistant fisherman of a tuna boat and a dark room staff, he became a photographer and started to make series of photography such as “Portrait of Tokyo” or “Candid Photos taken In India and Turkey” along with “Portraits in Asakusa.” In 2004, his work titled “PERSONA” received the 23rd Domon Ken Award.