小田急線の地下化に伴う大規模な再開発により、刻々と街の様相を変化させる東京・下北沢。六つある商店街のうち、最も北に位置する下北沢一番街商店街は、昔ながらの個人商店が今なお数多く建ち並ぶ一方、個性あふれるニューショップも続々と誕生している注目のエリアだ。2015年8月1日、その一画にセレクトショップ「VELVET」はオープンした。 オーナーの高相朋基さんは元編集者。10年近く男性ファッション誌を手がけてきたが、こと服屋に関してはバイイングはおろか、販売員の経験すら一切ない状態からの船出だった。 「ただ、昔から古着が好きだったし、編集者時代には自分でも誌面に掲載するアイテムのセレクトをしていたので、特に不安はなかったです。まあ、まったくの自意識過剰なんですが(笑)」 ともすれば不遜に聞こえるかもしれないが、店内を見渡せば、それが単なるビッグマウスではないことが分かるだろう。選りすぐりのアイテムはどれも強い個性を放ちながら、しかし同時に、高相さんの確固たる美意識が全てに貫かれている。「流行や希少性に関係なく、扱うのはとにかく自分がカッコ良いと思うもの、色気を感じるものだけ。だから、男に着て欲しいと思えばレディスも買い付けますし、古着をメインにしつつ、ブランドものの新作も積極的にミックスしていきたいと思っています」 その“カッコ良いもの”のラインナップに、2017年からは〈REBUILD by NEEDLES〉が加わる予定だ。「提案の仕方は違うけど、古着を使ってまったく新しい価値を生み出すという〈REBUILD by NEEDLES〉のコンセプトには、すごくシンパシーを感じますね」
The chandelier does stand out in the store. Takaso said the interior design was inspired by a photo book featuring the streetscapes of Havana.
After the Odakyu Line had moved to the underground, the major redevelopment along the line has been causing various changes to Shimokitazawa town in Tokyo. Shimokitazawa Ichiban Shotengai, one of six shopping districts in the town, recently receives more attention because new innovative stores have sprung up in the area while traditional stores continue to operate business in the same place. A concept store, VELVET, is the newcomer of the district as it was opened on August 1 2015. The owner of the store, Tomoki Takso, is an ex editor who had worked for a male fashion magazine for about ten years. When opened the store, however, he had absolutely no experience as a buyer or a sales assistant of an apparel store. “But I’ve been a big fan of vintage clothes for years and had some experiences of selecting clothes for magazine articles an editor. So, I didn’t have any qualms about opening my store. Well, I know it’s a kind of overestimation, though (laughs).” It may sound a bit arrogant, but you’ll find out that he wasn’t a guy with a big mouth soon after looking around the inside of the store. Each piece of carefully selected clothes and products possesses a robust individuality while Takaso’s aesthetics pulls all those items together at the same time. “I don’t care about trends and rarity. All the clothes here are selected because I think those are cool and sexy. I would carry female clothes if I think it fits in with male fashion. Though most of the clothes in my store are vintage, secondhand ones, I’m also willing to carry new clothes from current brands.” From 2017, some products of Rebuild by Needles will be added to his choice of “cool and sexy” clothes. “The brand’s approach to vintage clothes is different from mine, but I genuinely feel empathy for its concept; generating brand-new value by recreating secondhand clothes.”
This antique wooden door was the starting point and key component of the store design.
This steel shelf was specially made for the store. The details such as the curved legs and colors of the steel  embody the owner's obsessiveness.
Takaso edited this photo book for his store. It will be published on a non-regular basis.
Cowboy shirts are one of the staples of VELVET as Takaso thinks men become more seductive in it.
This photo on the white wall was exclusively taken by photographer Jiro Konami, representing  the world of VELVET.
ヴェルヴェットに描かれたミッキーのドローイング(非売品)。 ミッキーものも力を入れているアイテムの一つ。
A drawing of Mickey Mouse on a velvet fabric (not for sale).
Clothes with Mickey Mouse motifs are one of  the iconic products in the store.
VELVET : 東京都世田谷区北沢3-26-3 スズランビル1F
TEL 03-6407-8770 OPEN 12:00~21:00。
ELVET Suzuran Bldg. 1F, 3-26-3 Kitazawa, Setagaya, Tokyo
Interview & Text : Daisuke Inoue
Photography : Akira Yamada