珍しい紫色で、底にも「篭目」の模様が入った豪華な逸品  ¥28,000+tax
浅草の雷門を抜け、仲見世通りから伝法院通りを左に曲がった二軒目。朝から観光客で賑わうこの地に、二十年以上のあいだ変わらぬ姿で佇む切子専門店「浅草おじま」。自社工房で作られた貴重な江戸切子が、店内に所狭しと並ぶ。 江戸切子とは、透明ガラスに色ガラスを重ねたものにカットを入れて、様々な文様を削りだしたもの。江戸時代後期から引き継がれているガラス工芸技法で、東京都と経済産業省から伝統工芸品に指定されている。透明感のある輝きが涼しさを演出し、蒸し暑い季節には一段とその凛とした清涼感が際立つ。手にした時に感じるガラス特有の重量感と、心地よく指に伝わる手触りも大きな魅力。凹凸の感触を指で何度も確かめながら、杯を重ねる大人の愉しみ。ロックグラスやワイングラス、猪口、などの酒器の人気が高いのも頷ける。
全ての工程が手作業で、割り出し、粗ずり、二番かけ、三番かけ、石かけ、磨き、という六つの長い工程を経て、ようやく完成となる。繊細なカット模様は、菊や麻の葉などの植物を図案化したものの他、篭目、矢来、格子といった、江戸の生活用品からとったものが多い。着物や襖(ふすま)などに使われる模様も多く、日本人にとってはどこか馴染みがあり、懐かしさを感じるデザイン。 店内では様々な江戸切子を選ぶことができるほか、引き出物や贈り物の注文も受け付ける。スカイツリーがそびえる下町で、江戸に生まれた伝統は今も爽やかな光を放ち続けている。

Asakusa Ojima, a specialty store of Edo-kiriko (Edo cut glass), is located near the Kaminari-mon Gate in Asakusa, Tokyo. Having been in business for over twenty years in an area crowded with tourists, it handles a wide variety of the traditional glassware produced at its own atelier. The delicate patterns of Edo-kiriko are cut into colored glasses layered on clear glasses. Tokyo Metropolitan Government and Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry designated the cutting technique as one of Japan’s Traditional Crafts. Clean and cool appearance of the glassware is perfect to sip cold drinks in summer. People also love the moderate weight and unique texture of the products. With Edo-kiriko, you can have a luxury nightcap, enjoying the glass’s textured surface. Rocks glasses, wine glasses and Choko (small sake cup) are most popular among the customers of Ojima. At the atelier, all products are made by hand and normally require a quite long time to be completed because those have to go through six different manufacturing processes. Most of the patterns on the glasses are designed from daily commodities used during the Edo period (around the 17-19th century) and plants such as aster flowers and hemp leaves. Since some of the patterns are also commonly used for Kimono and Fusuma doors, Japanese people often feel nostalgia when they see it. At Ojima, you can find your favorite Edo-kiriko among a wide range of choices. The store also accepts gift orders if you wish. Even after TOKYO SKYTREE altered the landscape of the historic town, Ojima’s Edo-kiriko remains unchanged and still shines freshly by reflecting light by the windowsill.
「浅草おじま」東京都台東区浅草2-3-2 TEL 03-3690-8866 OPEN 9:00〜17:00 http://www.edokiriko.jp
「ASAKUSA OJIMA」 2-3-2 Asakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo
Ojima offers many types of glassware and accessories. For overseas tourists, they made English instructions in the store.
「菊篭目」と「篭目」の模様が半々にデザインされた重厚感溢れるロックグラス  ¥38,000+tax
A grand rocks glass featuring two different patterns called "Kiku-kagome" and "Kagome."
This beer glass with "Hanabi (fireworks)" pattern comes as a set of two (red and blue).
ギフトとして人気の高い猪口とワイングラス  ¥25,000+tax
The store's popular gift items: a Choko and wine glass.
お問い合わせ : 「切子工房浅草おじま」東京都台東区浅草4-49-7 TEL 03-4285-9664
Ojima’s third-generation Edo-kiriko artisan, Eiji Ojima. The store sometimes holds workshops at the atelier. For more information, please contact at 「KIRIKO-KOBO ASAKUSA OJIMA」4-49-7 Asakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo