BDU Peaked Lapel Jacket
BDU Chester Coatアメリカ軍の寒冷地用カバーパンツ「M-51 Arctic Over Pant」をピークドラペルジャケットとチェスターコートに仕立て変えた、〈REBUILD by NEEDLES〉のファーストアイテム。M-51特有のディテールであるフラップポケットや膝のダーツが、身頃や袖にランダムに配置されている。
REBUILD by NEEDLES' first item, a peaked lapel jacket and chester coat out of M-51 Arctic Over Pant, the U.S. military's cold-weather cover pant. The flap pockets and knee darts, which are unique to the M-51, are randomly placed on the body and sleeves.
M-65 x MA-1
The body of this jacket is also made of the M65s, arranged to a shorter length. Nylon satin sleeves and knit ribbings are attached, fusing two of the most popular military jacket models.
Leather Jacket -> G-1
Brown leather parts cut from a number of leather jackets is pieced together and used. This G-1 style patchwork jacket makes the most out of the subtle differences in color and texture that only vintage clothes can offer.
M-65 x Double Mackinaw Coat
The classic U.S. Army field jacket is rebuilt with details of the famous outdoor coat. It features a double layer of fabric on the chest and sleeves, and a game pocket on the back.
Military Shirt + Sweater - Knit Sleeve
A U.S. Marine Corps military shirt docked with low-gauge knit sleeves. The contrast of the faded camouflage pattern and the vivid orange makes this eye-catching womenʼs item.
Sailor Shirt & Pant -> Pea Coat
Sailor Shirt & Pant -> Shawl Collar Jacketアメリカ海軍の水兵が着用したメルトン素材のセーラー服を解体。3本ライン入りのセーラーカラーや腕章、セーラーパンツの特徴であるボタン留めのフラップなど、オリジナルが持つディテールを巧みにデザインとして取り入れ、ピーコートとショールカラージャケットに再構築した。
U.S. Navy melton sailor uniforms dismantled and rebuilt into pea coats and shawl collar jackets, skillfully incorporating the details of the originals, such as the sailor collar with three lines, the arm band, and the flap with button fastening characteristic of sailor pants.
Harris Tweed Rough Out Coat
A tailored Harris Tweed jacket docked with the lower half of a melton coat. In addition, the lapels, cuffs, and hem are cut and stitched with a coarse count yarn.
7 Cuts Tee - Rock
Vintage t-shirts of musicians, mainly rock, are divided into 7 parts and then combined. The sparse fading of each part and the asymmetric hem design creates this unique appeal.
Flannel Shirt -> Ribbon Wide Shirt
7 Cuts Shirtと同様、ファーストシーズンから展開している定番シャツ。 何枚ものネルシャツの切れ端をリボン状にしてフロントに縫い付けたアレンジがインパクトを放つ。 ¥22,000
Like the 7 Cuts Shirt, this is a standard shirt that has been available since the first season. The ribbon-shaped arrangement of several pieces of flannel shirts sewn on the front has a great impact. ¥22,000
Flannel Shirt -> 7 Cuts Wide Shirt
This item, which is synonymous with REBUILD, is a printed flannel check shirt that has been cut and rebuilt into a new piece with seven different patterned parts. Available in two silhouettes: regular and wide. ¥22,000
Tweed Jacket -> Covered Jacket
A tweed jacket dismantled and sewn onto a padded nylon jacket, a new release for Fall/Winter 2021. The nylon fabric peeking out from the cut-out armholes was new and innovational.
Dickies 874 - Zipper Pant
Dickies 874 - Monkey Cut Pant〈Dickies〉を代表する874ワークパンツをベースにしたアイテム。ボンテージパンツのように後ろファスナーの開閉でシルエットを変えられるモデルと、ヒップから裾にかけて大胆に生地を切り替えたモデルの2型を展開。
Based on Dickies' iconic 874 work pants. There are two models: one with a back zipper that can be opened and closed to change the silhouette like a pair of bondage pants, and the other with a bold fabric change from the hip to the hem.
Leather Jacket -> Double Riders Jacket
Multiple leather jackets dismantled and rebuilt into a double riders jacket. The accents are the large flap pockets on the back and the zip pockets on the collar and sleeves.
Jean Pant -> Chore Coat
A number of worn out denim pants are combined and rebuilt into a chore coat. The original details such as pockets and rivets are scattered everywhere to create a handcrafted look.
Jean Pant -> Circular Skirt
Maxi-length circular skirt with a unique front design that looks like a pair of denim pants patched on.
Chino Pant -> Zipped Coach Jacket
パンツを解体して集めたトーンの異なるベージュのチノクロスを、 パッチワークでスタンドカラーのジップアップジャケットに形成。 背面にあしらわれたカラフルなワッペンが映える一着。
Different tones of beige chino cloth collected from dismantled pants are patchworked to form a zip-up jacket with a stand-up collar. The colorful patches on the back make this piece stand out.
Boy Scout Shirt -> Pant
These playful chinos are made by dismantling a used Boy Scout shirt and incorporating details such as epaulettes and patches into the design.
5 Cuts Hoody - Tie Dye
A sweatshirt tie-dyed in different colors and patterns, and is cut vertically. 5 parts are randomly combined into one piece to create a hoodie with an outstanding presence.
Jean Pant -> Covered Pant
Jean Jacket -> Covered Jacketと同じ製法を採用したパンツ。オリジナルファブリックのイージーパンツをベースに、デニムパンツの前後身頃が切りっぱなしの状態で縫い合わされている。 ¥42,900
Jean Jacket -> Pants made using the same process as the Covered Jacket. Based on the original easy pants fabric, the front and back of the denim pants are sewn together in a cut-out style. ¥42,900
Jean Jacket -> Covered Jacket
A new item for the Spring/Summer 2022 season, based on a jacket made of NEEDLES' original fabric and sewn together with a vintage denim jacket. ¥37,400
7 Cuts Wide Tee - College
ユーズドのカレッジTシャツをワイドシルエットに再構築した7 Cuts Teeの最新モデル。ロックTがブラックのみの展開だったのに対して、こちらはカラフルな配色が特徴。¥10,450
The latest model of the 7 Cuts Tee, rebuilding college t-shirts into a wide silhouette. While the Rock Tee was only available in black, this one features a radiant color scheme. ¥10,450
Flannel Shirt -> 7 Cuts Zipped Wide Shirt / Tie Dye
2022年春夏シーズンに登場した7 Cuts Shirtの進化版。各パーツの繋ぎ目や袖にダブルファスナーがセットされており、半袖にしたり、インナーを覗かせたり、さまざまなアレンジが楽しめる。¥27,500
An evolved version of the 7 Cuts Shirt that appeared in the Spring/Summer season of 2022. Double zippers are set at the joints of each part and on the sleeves, offering various arrangements such as turning it short-sleeved or exposing the inner lining. ¥27,500
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